
Showing posts from December, 2018

Blog 3: Reflection + Refraction + Distortion, Camera Movement, Collision Detection

Box World by Yue Wu, Zhuoqun Xu Updates to Technical features Water Reflection, Refraction and Distortion for skybox and 3D object. Duel-mode Camera Movement - free view and 3rd person view on our hero Updates to Our Creative Efforts: Our hero can stand, turn around, walk, and jump. Water can reflect a nice image of sky and procedural terrain and character. There would be coins and mushrooms for the heroes to consume. Weekly Updates: Update   Water Reflection, Refraction and Distortion DUDV Map Update Camera Movement - free view and 3rd person view Update collision detection - player's collision with terrain and with coin.

Blog 2: doing the procedurally generated terrain

Box World by Yue Wu, Zhuoqun Xu Updates to Technical features Easy: Sound effect, Collision with bounding sphere/boxes Updates to Our Creative Efforts: Worlds: two worlds are existent, distinguished by shading (real vs toon). the player can jump from one to another. Swimming: when the gap between islands is too wide to jump across, the player can swim across, but not for long. Bombarding: a plane would cruise above throwing bombs to destroy existing islands. Weekly Updates: This week we completed a procedurally-generated terrain with Diamond-Square algorithm, and integrated scene graph into the application.